Monday, February 11, 2008


Blimey i was tired at Dancing on ice and pretty hopeless on my comments last night. Part of it might be that I'm waiting for the call from Christiane but it's no excuse. For the first week I was not comfortable. C says I need a day off - i haven't had one for ages, by next week's show I've got to stop for a while getting a bit jaded....

Nearly added some purple gloves to my shiny black outfit and purple tie I wore on TV last night - would have created a stir! Ha - either I didn't have the bottle or I'm sensible.... not sure? I think I would have been like the joker....

Re-writing ICE TIMES so that I can script in cues for sound and light operators. A real brain draining experience as I work so much by intuition and overall framing of what I speak of. So, to try to be scripting 2 x 50 minute of a show feels quite a challenge and then formatting it so that the cues come on time and the different people doing lighting sound and props - even without knowing what I'm talking about can drop things in on cue is a detailed job and provides a bit of a strait jacket in my mind....

I feel a bit like I'm having to play to the rules of a different game and that I'm being made to conform (which i don't like)! Ha ha - get over it.....

My bottom line though is to develop a brilliant show and I think by working through this process I will be doing that and developing my scriptwriting ability that will bode well for the future. Just feels restrictive and I'm kicking and stressed by it. No doubt in the next two days i will have something that works - don't want to go through another show first half like last week this Friday.

So I'm rewriting, setting visual assets in place, recording them out to video clips and pulling them back in against cue points as well as looking at music and prompts for props and my partner. Flipping lot of stuff here. I'm starting to look at hit tunes from the different dates of ICE TIMES to be able to establish the dates in peoples minds - that were alive then. Just need an easy way to do it. Ice shows were much easier than this theatre experience....

Show scores on the doors for ticket sales:

Show 1 - 146 - Brighton
Show 2 - 77 - Welwyn
Show 3 - 200 and rising

So lost on show's 1 and 2 and no contribution to recoupment and Show 3 is much more promising. Hope word of mouth gets out and sales come up so we can keep the baby alive and have it grow. As i work on it i want ot include more music and visuals - I'm just concerned that they won't get rolled in at the right moment so I'm trying to work out how to make sure they are there - may link the videos to music - that would do it - perhaps...

And when i step back and think about it here I am sat looking over the sea with the balcony doors opening on a fine sunny day writing a show. Life can't be that bad and it will be great when one day I can be showing 3,000 sales or more on events - then we'll be really cooking....

And, as a break, I've just put the cot up for little one that my brother and sister in law have given us.... looks great - must by the little fella a hanging whotsit so he can gurgle at as it spins around above his head...

Have a great day


PS anybody know how i can get photos to upload my blogging account won't take them now! Pain...

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