Monday, January 14, 2008



What a tremendous start to the series. I'm thinking Jason could be brought down in the chandelier next week instead of Chris and Jayne.

I was inspired to write a poem for Sarah because I'd met her on tour and I knew how much she wanted to skate in the series. So the words 'Throw away the years came to mind' - from that my ditty developed for her but.... actually today I'm thinking it's not throw throw away the years it's roll away the years (must have heard it from a song?).

So here is the poem developed:

Sarah, dancing on ice for you
I think it's a lot between the ears
So, I invite you,
To roll away the years
Throw away your fears
Enjoy every moment
And we'll see laughter (happy every after)
Not tears..

I think the Happy Ever After's a bit twee but it might work with music. The basic idea of taking ourselves back - those of us that are older - to a younger mentality of being able to do anything is - of course - a valid premise for a song. It will be developed later.... Nothing new under the sun here but I'm always surprised how inspiration can strike.

Sarah asked for a copy of the poem - I'll write some more for her now. Something like...

So soon you had to leave us
Sad.... but,
You've new friends on ice in Slough
Where you can laugh, enjoy a social skate
And practise your snowplough

So though we will miss you
We wish you happiness as you go
Slip gliding away
Dancing on ice
In a beautiful way
Oh yes...
And thanks for being part of the show

Ha ha, maybe I should stick to my day job?



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