Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Telephones and broadband and BT!
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Landline!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Darlington was last Tuesday and we had a fine time - the rake on the stage was so great that it enabled me to get loads of speed up on the down slope! I love raked (angled) stages. Also the audience sees the lovely colours on the ice and the whole look is enhanced. The theatre is beautiful with triple layer in the old style, I had to remember to keep looking up.
I had no partner coming up to Darlington last Monday and, after an appeal on the regional news, I found one - Jade was great fun and did really well.
So it's been: Louise 1, Louise 2, Charlotte, Jade and now Charlotte again as my main partners and having Stephen and Zoe involved for four shows was also super. Quite a journey.
I'll be glad of the break after Fife, we've learnt so much from doing this tour and now need a bit of time to reflect, take that learning on and see how we can develop things. I love it all in this show business but a month off for August will be just fine. Although we have plans now for August that are exciting and another blog subject.
I was really pleased last week to not be stressed by not having a partner for the show. We spent a weekend with family and friends, I sang in the band at church and we made our way up here. By Tuesday evening everything was just fine. Amazing for me to realise more and more what's possible without being stressed out about it!
Oh yes - how did the Worthing show go? Good, but not brilliant - I spoke for too long and the back lights didn't work leaving a flatter atmosphere but.... well I think it was a 7 out of 10. So far I think we had one 10 / 10 evening in High Wycombe, the next will be Fife! Darlington was a 8.5 out of 10....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I've been playing with my iWEB features on my Mac and have published a very simple site that includes some new photos from ICE TIMES and recent pictures of my son TIGER. You may want to have a look - click on site button adjacent.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Our 'Source' said
Monday, July 7, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Great time in High Wycombe!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I've just been away on a cruise to the Norwegian Fjords. Great except Christiane and Tiger couldn't come - he's not old enough yet. Did two presentations and they went down a storm. Deja vu to last year when the projector screen starts swaying as we sail across the North Sea. Thankfully it wasn't too rough!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
The end of Dancing On Ice Tour - Ice Times beckons

Monday, May 5, 2008
Liverpool Dancing On Ice Tour - Wedding Anniversary
Friday, April 25, 2008
The book is closed...
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Nottingham Dancing on ice
Monday, April 7, 2008
50th Birthday

Wow I was fifty yesterday on the tour. Andy Peters kindly wished me Happy 50th just before we started show 5 last night! Great fun, and Ian - one of our superb production team was 50 too. Backstage Christiane and Tiger sat watching. What a great way to spend a 50th, the biggest tour in the country, part of the DOI family and married to a wonderful woman with a lovely 7 week old son - Thank you God I am very blessed......
Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Snow, sunshine, compulsory dances
Monday, March 17, 2008

What a final, the best one yet. What a series! The best ratings, the most controversy, the furthest any celebrities have ever come. Bring on the tour it will be superb.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Stephanie said
I know quite a few people who have gone to your show and every single one of them have really enjoyed it and it is very much a unique show that I have not heard of.........! :P
Mar 14, 2008 8:12:00 PM
Hi Nicky
I loved your performance on Monday night at tunbridge wells. I think you are great and i think your little boy is so cute.
I just wanted to say you have given me so much inspiration - You have made me realize that i do want to do ice skating and i have actually got in touch with my nearest ice skating centre. I would love to be able to dance with you but know that, that will probably never happen.
Anyway must go. Thanks again - Mel
Mar 12, 2008 8:50:00 PM
ali said...
Just got in after the show in Tunbridge Wells which was thoroughly entertaining and emmensely enjoyable. Your son is so cute too!
Good luck with the rest of the tour.
Mar 10, 2008 11:07:00 PM
Friday, March 14, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008

So a huge THANK YOU for taking the time to write in. As I get to grips with this blogging thing I might even learn how to 'answer'! It's great to get comments:
Name for TIGER? - getting there - no that's not the name that's the process.
Just watched 'Walk the Line' Johnny Cash's story sat with C and little one - he was asleep. We first watched this film when we were courting! Ha ha and I too am being a second chance as he was.
About skating in Dancing on Ice? Well I think the whole crew should do a number with Holly and Phillip as well. Now that would be fun....

ICE TIMES fourth show - no doubt a different version to the other three as each one seems to develop - is on Monday at the Ambassador Theatre in Tunbridge Wells at 7.30pm..
We've designed a new poster for the tour, but we can't print it out because we already have posters. Trouble is the ones we have don't really protray the show.
So... if you have any contacts in the Tunbridge Wells area perhaps you'd point them to this blog and my website so they can come along to the show and let others know. I'm convinced it's a networking thing and we've had a lot of overall airtime and Woman's Own etc.. Just need it to translate to more bums on seats...
Louise's last show on Monday then I need another girl. The search is on....
Hope you like the poster. See the website too if you come here first it's starting to get in better shape and has more current pictures up.
I love the web as a communication tool.
I get my laptop back from Cancom today - they had to take it back and fit a slower processor as they had installed one that was faster and that invalidated the warranty - their mistake, I loose my machine for a couple of days! Not great customer service.... but anyway I'll have it back and continue show work and new site design - exciting.
Tiger is quiet alongside me, eyes open nearly two weeks old. I think he should have his skating debut at 15 days old at Tunbridge on Monday - what do you think?
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Had a great day yesterday with Sarah, Tony, Gemma, Alice and Boo for Hello Magazine shoot.
Never did get time to clean the windows so hope they don't show up on thye pictures too much! We did have a laugh and little one - at eleven days old - was a superstar for the camera - go Tiger!
Christiane had a ball being dressed and made up and she looked a million dollars. Looks like the article could be published in next week's mag which would tie in with 'Finals Week' at Dancing On Ice.
Life has been so hectic recently that I wonder if I should have had a cleaner in before the guys came? Anyway - too late now and had done a decent job of the floors... but the windows!!!
I was inspired by seeing Gemma jumping on the beach and Tony taking a silhouette shot of her against the pier as the sun was setting. So I asked if I could have a go. We got a great 'jump' shot as I launched myself skywards and fell over on landing. I'll post it when it comes through. It's definitely a 'Come to Brighton' shot for the tourist board and will a great keepsake for our time in Brighton if / when we move on to somewhere else in the world.
Rock n Roll
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Ha ha well hardly but...
Mirror two pager last week - they did me with content - hey ho...
Woman's Own two page spread out today - great pictures... well done Fiona for words.
Daily Mail two pager in a week or so to come.... see Femail for that - had a wonderful business lunch today to gear up for this. I concluded, after a glass of champagne and a little wine and great conversation that I need to be in an alpine resort with some ski-ing and skating to get me in the mood for the creative writing required. After all being in the right frame of mind is crucial for the insights to flow and a week away ski-ing would help me in this regard. Not sure this will be acceptable but we'll see if the receipts are covered when... if I go...?
Hello feature - the guys are coming tomorrow. I will need matchsticks to keep my eyes open and I'll need to clean the windows too... the glamour of it all! Think I'll have the team to help clean the windows, probably not a usual part of their job description. Don't know if little ine will stop feeding long enough to allow for a picture but we can live in hope.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
A birthday
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day three of a little boys life. A new daddy who has actually had some sleep.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I managed to sleep nearly three hours last night in between bionic nappy changing (contents are bionic!) and having him sleep on my chest. Easy Peasey,... Bring on the Nurofen.
TV interviews this week? My eyes may be shut. Dancing on Ice next Sunday? May need something to keep me awake.
Day 2 of a young life... wow.
PS Apparently little one has made the news according to Neil in Australia. I've been too busy to see!
Monday, February 25, 2008

Apparently it's a tradition to have a drink to 'Wet the baby's head. So who am I to disagree with that especially after Phillip and Holly gave us a bottle of Bollinger from the Dancing on Ice team at the studio yesterday. So Christiane's mum Margaret myself and Christiane have wet that baby's head. Christiane had a sip or two and that may have contributed to the fact that little one was hic upping and making loud crying noises for a while this evening. Thankfully some respite for a few moments. And so insomnia begins...
My son is one and a half days old. And he is gorgeous...

No these two guys are not getting married the one on the right is my driver for Dancing on Ice BISI. He's Nigerian and has his eight child on the way, he's been busy! Iain is there to help whisk me back to the studio if we can make it in time for the show. The guys sat outside waiting for me and as I came out after the birth they presented me with these flowers for Christiane and me from the DOI Team - lovely gesture. They had put them on the bonnet of Bisi's Mercedes but I had to get them to pose together. What a handsome couple they make!!!
We left at 4.10 pm got to the studio at 6 pm and were on air at 6.25 pm. Brilliant timing, perhaps I could leave at 4 pm each week for the show? Perhaps not.... A trafic jam on the M25 got Iain's pulse faster but Bisi made it in time.
DOI show was eventful - lovely to have little ones arrival announced on national tv - saves ending cards out. Wish I'd given a plug for home births and the mid wives though. I also proposed Tiger as little ones name. Mixed reaction from great to - you must be kidding! Still negotiating with Christiane on this.
I was so pleased to see Suzanne and Matt skate their socks off - nearly, or so nearly gave a 6.0..... Mind you in the mood I was in and with three hours sleep in the previous 24 I was about to give everyone a 6!
Audience, technical crew and everyone gave me congratulations - how amazing the birth of a little one can be for releasing some love in the world...

Nicky Slater’s baby dash!
Published: Sunday, 24 February 2008, 1:55PM
Show bosses panic as judge Nicky Slater's wife goes into labour ahead of tonight’s live show.
Well this was the DOI set up for Sunday's show on the DOI website... Hee he we had no idea if I would be able to make it...
This series has been a tumultuous one for our Ice Panel, with rows, ultimatums and the odd poem popping up in each breathtaking live ice-travaganza.
And this week there is a new source of excitement among our judges, as Nicky Slater rushes from rehearsals on the day of the live show to be with his wife Christianne (whom he married last May), who has just gone into labour with their first child!
But whilst our thoughts and best wishes are with Nicky as he soars down to Brighton for the birth of his baby, there is the small problem of a certain live show beaming out across the nation tonight.
And a gaping great hole in that Ice Panel…
But the show must go on!
So will five judges become four for the week seven ice spectacle?
And what on earth would we do if there was a tie break in the skate-off?
Tune in tonight at 6.25pm and 8.30pm to find out…
1 hour 30 mins to say hello to little boy and then to Dancing on ice with Bisi driving and Iain.
Arrive six pm 25 minutes for prep for national tv show and be part of that live!
Sent out announcement of birth to 10 million viewers - saves on cards....
Very nearly gave Suzanne a six! She was superb....
Home with little one and wife wondering at the gift of life.
How blessed I am.
Thank you every one for the congratulations and to capital radio for the poll to find a name, or validate 'TIGER' - I like Tiger as a name.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Chloe our midwife was brilliant along with Polly and Jenny - another midwife who was here too. Awesome.
Outside Iian and Bisi (my driver) - from Dancing On Ice. have to leave by 4.15 to reach the show.
Name? - in negotiation. I'm pushing for Tiger John Edward Slater... Christiane is not sure yet.
Daddy Slater - rock n roll
Having a baby!!!
Pick up for Dancing on Ice at 11 am not on then. I might miss the show tonight!
This whole birth process is amazing. I'm tired already, and I'm not doing anything...
Baby coming!
Hospital is short staffed, (have I heard that before?) so home delivery may be in jeopody as only two midwives covering Sussex Hospital and our area. But newly qualified (midwife) Polly, our friend from church, is on her way from London so we'll see what she says when she gets here.
Amazing to be in the process of birth! Well not me actually I'm just the morale support.... Better put computer away another contraction coming...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Left at 5.45am back 11. Worked in the car - felt like one of those exec type people being chaufered around.
On Alan Titchmarsh this afternoon at 4.45pm. Which will be great fun.
In Daily Mirror tomorrow with Karen (my former skating partner and co-judge on DOI).
As long as they include weblinks that will be fine. Takes loads of time but great to be meeting people in the business.
Baby is due tomorrow... Oh my. Managing stress levels and the unknown...
Have a great day
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I'm on the Alan Titchmarsh show on Friday at 4.45pm. Had a great day yesterday meeting Alan, the producers and execs and Paul Young. Lovely man.
And there was Andy Collins - our warm up supremo for Dancing On Ice - great to be around friends...
Alan was just as I expected and the team were welcoming and enthusiastic.
Monday, February 18, 2008

What a quiet show last night!... I am kidding of course. Since the seating arrangement has been changed I found myself in a pincer movement between Karen and Jason. You may say I brought it on myself but things certainly got lively for a few moments on the judging panel. I even got earache from my driver Bisi on the way home... what's a man to do? Plus a 'Nasty Nick' note (with a loving welcome back inside) sat on the oven hob from Christiane when I returned home.
It's week six and the competition is starting to be just that, a competition, it makes for a different dynamic.
But.... I am more pre-occupied with our baby which is due next Saturday!
I've told our show producer Maria at Dancing on Ice to have a stand in if I'm needed at the birth. So if you think you could judge better than me why not let ITV know you're available to be my stand in next week if I need one!
See ITV Website for all the lowdown. Here's the link.... You'll need to cut and paste it.
Saturday, February 16, 2008

A day off. Luxury. Sun shining and off to the Lookout for a coffee on the beach front here in Brighton. One week today to baby due date.
So many stories from the show last night and the week before but a sense of satisfaction that the team achieved what it set out to do - to deliver brilliant entertainment. Our audience loved the result of all our efforts and we had 194 seats sold. We all deserve a day off.
I was nearly squashed by the ice floor before the show. I stood in the van about to help unload and Jamie undid the ties that bind the plastic sheeting (it weighs about a ton). Unfortunately the van was parked on a bit of a slope and the sheeting, that was stood on its end fell towards me and pinned me to the van side. Fortunately my knees took some of the strain but it took Richard and Jamie to eventually lit it back to vertical. Half way through unloading our ice repeated it's trick and pinned me down again. The guys had to come and lift it off me again. It's heavy! Lucky nothing got broken or damaged, on me not the ice floor.
I reflect on a week of intense work on show development and content, and then the computer breaking down and no visuals being used as a result. the sound was added in though and that really worked. I've sourced music that fits to the eras I'm speaking of and can skate to those tracks. This is a rich pallete and I loved emphasising the stories with the music.
My guitar playing section with Louise was must stronger, it's wonderful to play for someone to skate to and improvise to my music. A gift.
I feel that I learnt another life lesson. That, no matter what happens the hard work and thought of preparation I put into something pays off. We had a pretty dire situation where people were held out of a theatre for 30 minutes after the 8 pm start time. One person asked for their money back. Technical stuff was not working, ice going down was very late, practise time 15 minutes after a week apart. Do you cancel the show or go ahead with no visuals...?
We went ahead and...
We (I) discovered a new way of presenting the performance that reached peoples hearts, provoked loads of laughter and had much more skating, more repartee, more stories more fun and energy, more of me relating to Richard as props man, Jamie on sound and Louise. The stories came more alive...
Funny how moments of adversity can build something better if we (I) just keep going....
Off for a coffee on the beach on my day off - first one in ages.. yay. Have a great day.
I worked with Ben and Jamie on the show from 11 to 3.30 we then had ages getting all lights and ice in and it was 7.30 when ice was down and it needed cleaning and spraying before the show so hardly any rehearsal.
Then my laptop fell over repeatedly and all the assets I'd worked on and the guys had set up could not be seen on our projector! Show start was for 8 pm and we held people back until 8.30 and had to choose how to proceed. So, after the most intense week of prep on visuals and another days work of the team plus printed out cue sheets we decided to go ahead with NO VISUALS! Ha... I was amazed at how calm I was.... it's good training for something.....
The show was great fun. I ache from the amount of skating I did, my throat was dry from he amount of talking I did, the new music cues worked a treat and we had our third standing ovation. Wow...
Louise was lovely but is beating herself up because she didn't feel on top form. She was skating early morning on real ice and drove all the way down plus had 15 minutes rehearsal... not the ideal for her. But she's great to work with and she had so many curve balls thrown at her tonight her head should have been spinning.
It's a funny thing but for me the lack of visuals behind me meant I had to present out and forward, so I added loads more skating moments. The result was a buzz at half time and a fun ending.
What a privilege to be able to be on stage and performing in this way. I have to pinch myself sometimes.
Oh yes and one of the audience pinched Millbrook and he was sat watching on her knee -it was funny (Milbroook is our mascot). They waited for an hour at the stage door to see me afterwards in the freezing cold - after returning Millbrook.
Richard drove us there and back and helped lay the ice and was my props man tonight, he's a star - he also keeps me fed during the day.
I was cleaning the ice at 8.15 singing about the joys of showbusiness. It's the glamour darling.
A Pimms and the sleep. What an amazing day. Lie in tomorrow / today.
Next production = baby next week after Dancing on ice of course.
Friday, February 15, 2008
1.07am I went to bed after working flat out this week to create the show assets for tonight's performance. At issue is the leadership and co-ordination of the team working on the show, Louise, Ben, Jamie, Stage manager, Richard and for myself to remember the script with cues over the two hour show,
I'm learning to write a show. In fact, I AM writing a show in a format that will work for techies and artists, wow, I love it.
So far - 36 scenes, 25 music cues, over 100 images, lighting cues, costume changes and 10 skating routine areas all knitted together to create theatrical magic and brilliant entertainment.
Right now I'm concerned about the software wobbling and falling over during the presentation so creating separate video files of ever major transition may be necessary! But don't know if there is enough time..... a challenge.
The show has grown to embed music and dates as we travel over time, I excited about it's potential to entertain and inspire and i sense a growing of the baby if we can keep selling tickets and people support us.
We got 'FANTASTIC' stills through from last week's show. the best show pictures i've ever seen of my skating and the set, Louise and Millbrook look wonderful. It looks like the set of Chicago at some points and the ice show it is at others - these will be up shortly. Brilliant assets to represent what we are doing.
So, how to create the slide cues for tonight and video? shower to think and then into it. Meeting at 11 am to go through everything. I need more time....
Christiane has last day at work today - 8 days before baby due.... We are getting a delivery of logs next Thursday so he has been told to wait until saturday due date so I have time to make environment lovely. Actually asked for first rumblings at 8.30 am and pop out at 12.30 so I'll be able to go and watch the football in the afternoon. We shall see if he's been listening. Christiane thinks I might not be interested in the football if he comes out then. I think she may be right...
Hurrah I'm going for Eurosport to Gothenburg. Brilliant. Will be gerat to see old friends - I haven't been to World's for so many years. Fantastic...
Have a great day and say a prayer for my technical stuff please and all the show bits and bobs.... if it works it will be a miracle of teamwork, intuition, preparation and luck! `And my small idea of a one man show! Hardly, this is turning into an epic - Rock N Roll.....