A week in London at posh hotel. £59.50 for two breakfasts was our bill this morning! A different and crazy world. I had thought £2.50 for a Mars bar and £4.50 for a 99p bottle of beer in our Sheffield hotel minibar was hectic but this is a different league. Taxi to the airport sir? Certainly, that will be £150! Well that was what an American chap had been quoted I shared the lift with.
Trying to get blades set on new boots for a skate with Louise this week. Real pain, one seems to be off line and they seem to be set too far forward so my weight is weird and I'm skating like Bambi presently. The fact that they are sharpened to the nth degree for plastic ice doesn't help. So in early at Wembley to try to get that sorted today. I've also got a bit of berii berri which adds to the fun.
Last week was one year since I had my Oasys keyboard delivered to Birmingham. It was good to reflect on what a year has produced from that perspective. Right now she sits at home but guitar and microphone plus laptop are touring. Along with Christiane and Tiger - now that wasn't expected. The missing is the songs being on the web and produced. Time passes and we've done a lot but I think I need time out to get the music production in gear.
However... I'm excited about a song that came about over the last two weeks with my set up.
Firstly I had a wrongly tuned guitar and developed some chords around this, then some words came, prompted by Tiger holding my hand in his carrying sling whilst we walked to the shops. Thirdly I've got Logic now and it's easier in the new version and with my big laptop screen I can run the music and develop lyrics against it. Finally I've upped my guitar game - even have a hammer action in the song - a first for me, thank you Iain for the coaching oh yes and Christiane for a lie in the song.
Karen said - sounds like proper music... amazing. It's called Legacy. Jason asked me what was the top line? I didn't know what that was - I have it now - it's the words - duhh!
Did the show DVD on Sunday. I wasn't that happy with me in it, one of those times when things stick in your head about what you should have done. All the skaters did extremely well though and the DOI show rocks. The dvd will be spectacular.
Hi nicky! I was lucky enough to see the DOI tour on 18th in brum and it was brilliant! me and 3 friends were walking away from the stage door before the show and one of them was like nicky slater just walked by with his family. we didnt believe her but then turned and saw you all walking through the satge door! so gutted that we didnt see you sooner and that we didnt see you after the show!
but 2 of us are seeing ice times on 22nd may in croydon and are really excited about it! hopefully we will meet you then!
emma x
ps - there is no stage door at fairfield halls croydon so we were thinking of hanging around in the main reception area to see if you came out!
Hello Nicky!
You must be kinda fed up with my comments:-D but hey, I am glad Tiger is bringing you and Christianne so much happiness! What a shame I am in CZ and dont have money to go to UK to see you at DOI show:-( You are fantastic Eurosport announcer,and I spose you must be a good and objective DOI judge as well:-)
Michaela, Czech Republic
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