I've been playing with my iWEB features on my Mac and have published a very simple site that includes some new photos from ICE TIMES and recent pictures of my son TIGER. You may want to have a look - click on site button adjacent.
Two shows this next Thursday and Friday. First time with two back to back, a different challenge. It will be interesting to feel how this works... plastic ice takes its toll on the blades and everyone needs a re-sharpening after each show. I'll need a new set of blades after this tour! I think I'll get some old style Pattern 88's - theyd have bolt on blades - I'll see if I can have some specially made for me for next time! We shall see...
Last Friday I got on the ice and found I was slipping sideways! It was awful I just couldn't skate. I tried to get emergency sharpening but - being in Malvern - this was impossible so I did the show sliding all over the place... I didn't do the routines with Charlotte because it would have been dangerous. I was able to demonstrate how not to skate very well!!! There's always an upside. I just felt such a plonker and really cross with myself. My blades had been part sharpened the show on Wednesday and I somehow thought they would be ok. This was not the case.
I've got Charlotte and Zoe and Stephen with me for the next two shows which will be excellent as they are a lot of fun and do a great job. Next week they can't skate though so - new cast to find again... Anybody out there in the Darlington and Fife area?
The slides and videos seem to have a mind of their own again for the shows. Need to get them nailed down - they seem to do their own thing at times. A bit disconcerting when presenting in front of an audience.... keeps you on your toes though.
Oh Nicky, I never stop marvelling at your baby! Your Tiger is so nice! You are a proud father indeed! May you have a great time not only with your family! Michaela
Yep im 10 minutes from Darlington (was going to come see your show but have dance practice) and i dont think I can what you call 'skate well' haha!! Not big on ice rinks round here either. Think the nearest one is Billingham (so you might have to see if they have any up and coming stars.) If you get lost email me!!! haha kitty_k8@msn.com
Darlington isnt exacly big and your only doing one show so i hope it goes well. Kate x
aw Tiger is such a bonnie boy (that's my scottish coming out in me!) he's lovely, you must be so proud!
hope you manage to find a skater for Fife - i would offer but (a) i'm too tall for you!! and (b) i can only do the basics!!
god luck for the rest of the shows!
Tiger is adorable, and does his t-shirt come in an adult size? :P
I've heard many good things about your show, how entertaining it is even if things are going wrong! Hopefully it will be smooth for the rest of them.
Lovin the new website - great 'content and flow'.
Aw, great pics of Benjamin Edward Tiger, esp. the one of you on the bed, and the three of you on the beach. Has he been baptised/dedicated yet?
tiger is such a cute little boy and you must be so proud of him nicky.
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