No these two guys are not getting married the one on the right is my driver for Dancing on Ice BISI. He's Nigerian and has his eight child on the way, he's been busy! Iain is there to help whisk me back to the studio if we can make it in time for the show. The guys sat outside waiting for me and as I came out after the birth they presented me with these flowers for Christiane and me from the DOI Team - lovely gesture. They had put them on the bonnet of Bisi's Mercedes but I had to get them to pose together. What a handsome couple they make!!!
We left at 4.10 pm got to the studio at 6 pm and were on air at 6.25 pm. Brilliant timing, perhaps I could leave at 4 pm each week for the show? Perhaps not.... A trafic jam on the M25 got Iain's pulse faster but Bisi made it in time.
DOI show was eventful - lovely to have little ones arrival announced on national tv - saves ending cards out. Wish I'd given a plug for home births and the mid wives though. I also proposed Tiger as little ones name. Mixed reaction from great to - you must be kidding! Still negotiating with Christiane on this.
I was so pleased to see Suzanne and Matt skate their socks off - nearly, or so nearly gave a 6.0..... Mind you in the mood I was in and with three hours sleep in the previous 24 I was about to give everyone a 6!
Audience, technical crew and everyone gave me congratulations - how amazing the birth of a little one can be for releasing some love in the world...
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