Apparently it's a tradition to have a drink to 'Wet the baby's head. So who am I to disagree with that especially after Phillip and Holly gave us a bottle of Bollinger from the Dancing on Ice team at the studio yesterday. So Christiane's mum Margaret myself and Christiane have wet that baby's head. Christiane had a sip or two and that may have contributed to the fact that little one was hic upping and making loud crying noises for a while this evening. Thankfully some respite for a few moments. And so insomnia begins...
My son is one and a half days old. And he is gorgeous...
Well done Nicky. Make sure you make your boy feel happy and loved and most of all free to make his own way in life knowing that he can turn to you when he needs to. Just support him every step of the way and don't put expectations on him. And remember to enjoy every minute. You and Christine are such great people - I'm sure you will. ...And maybe go for John as the first name eh? (Tiger second?) - he might not thank you for Tiger as a first name - kids need time to breath and don't want to stick out too much in the classroom until they are ready. An unusual name can be an unfair curse.
Every congratulations to you and your wife. You both seem amazing people and well done with everything you have achieved over the last year!
All the best!
Gosh, 3 blogs together! Good to have the full story. Seems like you need to sleep for 24 hours now! Any baby pictures forthcoming?
How about a biblical name, (as long as it isnt Zerubbabel!) Joshua is my fave.
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