I've just been away on a cruise to the Norwegian Fjords. Great except Christiane and Tiger couldn't come - he's not old enough yet. Did two presentations and they went down a storm. Deja vu to last year when the projector screen starts swaying as we sail across the North Sea. Thankfully it wasn't too rough!
And I get back to find I am partner less for my show this Thursday - again! What is this...? I need to change my deodorant - obviously. But what to do for this Thursday? So far I've trained up three girls spent a fortune and loads of time travelling the country and here I stand without a partner again. Nightmare... so having to invent a way whereby I can perform and the show is not dependent upon one girl! That's what I'm doing today, working out how this can be andI think I'm making progress. What's coming is the idea of making up routines - on the day, before your very eyes... Along with the rest of the show running at the same time. Dancing on ice you get a week - how about 20 minutes? What can be achieved in that timeframe? And I'm getting more skating ideas from Vauderville times as I face this challenge - I think we'll see some more fun on this tour yet...... and hopefully less stress!

How was the Basingstoke show? Well just OK from my point of view - I think the audience enjoyed it but the technical stuff all worked (for the first time) and it kind of got in the way. I played to the slides and visuals rather than being able to give full out to the audience. So - from my perspective - a 6 out of 10. Could be better... I was also a little freaked by the size of the theatre - huge... felt like I needed more to fill it although once the lights are down its like anywhere and I've played big arenas so don't know what was going on there.
Wish me luck for Thursday - I have a sense that a stronger, funnier and more robust show will come out of this adversity... It's certainly character building! I have 48 hours to rehearsal time to find a partner - n0 problem at all then.
I dont understand how these things work, but surely these skaters have contracts which need to be honored? How can they leave after just one show?
Hope you find someone in time, now that the tech side of the show is sorted!
Gosh Nicky! Good Luck!! Perhaps you could teach Christiane to skate (if she can't already!). Would be less hassle to just rope your wife in when you don't have a partner! Glad the cruise went well. You make me want to go away on one right now (love them!).
Hope the show is alright on the night - I'm sure it will be! Just wish you could bring your show to Essex .... us girls don't just spend our time in nightclubs dancing around our handbags.
Any chance you can confirm the gossip in the Sunday Mirror that DOI will be with us for another three years ... would be great if the story is true, and even greater if you are in it too!
Think you should get karen Barber in!! That way you know Ticket sales will soar aswell. I'm sure she wont mind even thought its her birthday sunday!! haha
hope you work things out!
Maybe you should get the message that it may be you that is upsetting the girls! I shaw the show in Croydon and felt so sorry for Louise, her first night, you couldn't get the music correct I thought your partner deserved a medal for putting up with the problems and still managing to produce a wonderful smile. Went to Basingstoke also - Croydon was far better and your partner Louise was far better. Do you think your ego is a bit to big?
A concerned fan
saw the show tonight in High Wycombe - brilliant!
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