Wow I was fifty yesterday on the tour. Andy Peters kindly wished me Happy 50th just before we started show 5 last night! Great fun, and Ian - one of our superb production team was 50 too. Backstage Christiane and Tiger sat watching. What a great way to spend a 50th, the biggest tour in the country, part of the DOI family and married to a wonderful woman with a lovely 7 week old son - Thank you God I am very blessed......
And thank you Tony for arranging a couple of pictures from the show.
Happy 50th Birthday Nicky, hope you have a great time on the DOI Tour!
Happy Birthday (for yesterday)
I was at the show yesterday afternoon. We would have sung to you if we had known! Great show, and so pleased you have your little family with you.
Happy Birtbday! Did you get my card at the Sheffield matinee? Sent it via Tony (Harpur). And I left my programme there by accident :( :(
You could see right backstage to the changing area ;)
Good show but I think I'm getting blase about them now. Shame about Chris F not taking part. Hope he's better now?
Happy Birthday! Oh dear, we are all getting old, aren't we.... but at least we're all still skating! Who said it was a sport for the young, anyway?
Happy Birthday for yesterday Nicky! Not a bad way to spend it :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICKY!! I hope you had a good one :)
Happy Birthday Nicky! Hope you had a lovely day.
happy birthday for the weekend Nicky!! i was at the show on saturday evening and it was AMAZING! i was sitting front row and enjoyed every second of it! am looking forward to my next stop in Newcastle on Saturday!
Hello Nicky! Oops i didnt know it was your birthday! So a little bit late, but yet I wish you good luck into next 50 yrs, filled with as much joy as you have now cause of Tiger and Christianne! Wow, I am kinda moved by all you write here!
Your fan from CZ Michaela:-))
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