The Tour is hugely successful with packed houses every city and every performance. The skaters are improving and the show repartee is developing all the time.
Picture is of the Dancing on ice rig. Nine trucks on the road with the tour. Rock n Roll.
Had a fun moment in the Lowry hotel in Manchester when the window cleaner dropped in – on the sixth floor. And there’s me in bed with the blinds open. Ha ha.. Very funny. I had a similar moment some years ago with a girl fiend at a time we were having the outside of my place painted and scaffolding was up. We woke up with a painter outside studiously painting the window frames. We were both starkers and had to hide under the covers for ages!!! No such trouble at the Lowry I got up and took a happy snap. Five star treatment or what?
We have one show a day this week and to be honest I think I prefer the rhythm of a two-show day although I’m having loads of time to work with my new keyboard. It is amazing. I want to know everything about it and improve my performance skills in a week… It may take longer than that but that’s the drive. So that, working out and one show a day plus a party tonight and tomorrow is quite a packed schedule. Think I’ll go for a skate tomorrow I had two skates in Manchester, which was good…
Need a recharge too – saying the same things over and over is a bit boring. Keep trying to get new things to say… about the same routines. More stimulating for everyone when it’s fresh routines for us judges….
Wedding plans coming together. May 5th is not so far away now. Apparently Hello and OK don’t want to send a photographer – but Hello would like to see the pictures. Think my demographic is too old and my notoriety too low for them. Ha ha.. Well it’s one less thing to think about on the day.
I’ll next see my beautiful Christiane as she walks down the aisle. I hope someone has a hanky ready. She’s being brilliant organising stuff and Neil is co-ordinating along with other teams. Feels a bit luxurious and indulgent to just be turning up on the day but I did design the website and order of service etc so I think I’ve done my bit.
Need some new shoes. Jason and Robin both agreed that my show shoes (boots) would not do when I asked them. Well I’m in Nottingham so shoes are not a problem.
Hotel is superb but my rooms a bit noisy. It’s across from the old courthouse. They used to hang people below my bedroom window apparently. Across the road in the courthouse is a museum. I popped in yesterday. Did you know a giblet was a device that a dead body was held in and hung up so people could come along and see it deteriorating – a kind of deterrent of olden times. I saw one yesterday – a giblet, not a dead body silly... macabre! Well at least I’m learning things on tour.
Wrote a couple of songs in the last week. Lyrics feel strong. Had a summery song coming today as I walked back from the gym – have the chorus – I think it will be an ABBA type piece.
The people on the tour are great. I travelled on the rowdy bus from Manchester with the skaters. We stopped for a drink in Rochdale hotel and Stefan bought me a Guinness. The landlord let me take it with me so I’m sat on the bus with a Guinness and pork scratchings heading towards Nottingham as Stef plays his guitar and everybody sings along…. Rock n Roll!
Must get the pictures up.. They will follow when I can find the lead… and the camera!
Love N
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