In haste....
Saturday was a roller coaster for me. I had a driver to take me to the studio who was all over the place and jerking the wheel so I got there feeling very sick. My outfit didn't work as shirt too big and then I got a call from a girl who was a girlfriend a long time ago and is happily maried now. We met last year with her hubby Dick and the children coming to Brighton. She came to my show last year and I went and stayed with them afterwards and we had a great time tgether. So I answered the phone saying 'Hi Hilary' and it was Dick. Hilary had died the night before and he knew she would have wanted me to know. Now Hilary had battle cancer and been beating it over the last few years and I though things were alright. But they weren't. I was shocked and heartbroken. This news came in the afternoon and ten minutes later I had a judges meeting with our producer Maria and the show rehearsals etc went on as usual.
Anyway somehow, with fantastic help from people on our team, Heather, Maria, Stephen was really nice to me about it and many others, I got back into gear and was fine for the show.
I will really miss her she was a super lady who inspired so many people around her, never said a bad word about anyone, and had the most wonderful faith in God that shone out. Now she's seeing what Heaven is like. Through the sadnes that helps me smile...
Anyway the show.
Highlight was Kyran and Mel for me. I gave a perfect score of 6.0. I had not expected to. So what makes a 6.0? Here's a list of som of the things they did right.
-how they introduced the piece - with Wally the suitcase as a prop - to both the audience and the judges
-interpreted the music briliantly with surprise from the off and superb acting by Mel
-used the prop as a part of the routine in an innovative and fun way
-included strong skating from the celebrity partner - with the prop - at speed
-very good and easy ice coverage
-a superb relationship between the couple throughout the routine
-very strong and secure overhead lift
-keeping your interest with lots of content and fun throughout
-finesse with the rose for your partner at the end
In the end it's the whole performance that impacts me as a judge. This had everything and deserved the top mark. I may not give another one all series but this was definitely a highlight for me.
So well done Kyran and Mel. I said that the routine was good enough to be in a professional ice show and a couple of days later I'm totally settled in that opinion. Brilliant effort by the whole team of choreographers and coaches with Chris and Jayne and Karen and Stephen doing wonders.
Lee and Frankie were voted out in the skate off against Clare and Andrei who skated a blinder in that part of the competition. A very strong routine for them with the chair as the prop.
The prop didn't help Lee and Frankie. I felt that it was one thing too many to cope with. Lee did well in using the broom to help with lifts but... well I did think it got in the way a bit. He looked a little stiff in places as he grappled with the extra element. I would have liked to have seen him have a another week and be able to skate out more. I always thought he had the most potential to become a very elegant skating man in this competition.
Well done Frankie for the bravery and for helping Lee get so far and well done Lee for the great moments you gave us. Sorry I missed you in the bar afterwards.
Did exclusive with Ben yesterday and Clare and Andrei. Ben was challenging me on the marks I gave. It was good fun - once I got over the surprise of his approach! Ha... takes me a moment.
That's it for now everyone.
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